After 3 weekends on the trot staying local, we finally had a weekend where both Saturday and Sunday looked half decent. Time to head off for the weekend in the van.
I had a lone Corbett to bag from Glen Lyon (Cam Chreag) and fancied a paddle on the River Lyon – I had been late setting off, so it was dark when I arrived. I stopped at the same spot that I had done with my mother 6 weeks previously knowing that there was a spot where I could point a 2-way sat dish through the trees to get internet access (aye – see the title of this site!)

Next day dawned raining, but was forecast to improve so I enjoyed a leisurely breakfast while playing with my new Galaxy Note 8 smartphone (again, see the title of the site!)
Eventually the rain buggered off, and I enjoyed a dry ascent of Carn Chreag and nice views over Loch Rannoch, and quite a few surrounding Munro’s. It was pretty windy at the top, with a fair chill in the air so I did not hang about for too long.

Once back at the van, I headed out east out of the glen for a wee look at the river Lyon. Unfortunately too little water for a decent paddle (would be quite a bit of portaging). There was plenty of water further downstream beyond the ‘touring section’, but also too many big rapids! I carried on to Loch Tay to find a spot for the night under Ben Lawers – will settle for a paddle on Loch Tay instead.

Next day dawned cold, but fine so after ditching the van near Killin, I put the Gimptanic in Loch Tay and enjoyed a 10KM odd paddle around the loch taking in the two islands at its western end. Really scenic place to paddle with mountains reaching to 1200M around the loch.
Grand weekend, hopefully off to Skye next weekend, weather permitting!
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