Highlands Holiday 2020

20/08/2023 0

The run up to this years holiday was not exactly plain sailing. Firstly, it was supposed to have taken place the month before in Switzerland (bloody COVID), secondly work got in the way – I always said that I would never let work affect play, well I failed ending up working an extra week including the weekend before finally managing to escape. Plan was to go find myself a lonely glen with no mobile signal and haul up where no Read More

Club Cottage January Meet

18/01/2020 0

The club’s meetup this weekend was to the Ochils Mountaineering Club hut in Crianlarich. The forecast was dire, and would-be attendees were dropping like flies in the run up to the event, their spaces filled by folks on the waiting list. In the end, we managed 16 folks on the Friday night and 18 on the Saturday which was no mean feat. The usual banter was had on the Friday night, with the group split between those talking nonsense in Read More

Holiday Blog

08/08/2018 0

  I had two weeks off work, and much planned. I was to be mostly solo on this holiday bringing the advantage of only having my own itinerary to worry about, and hoped to get some pack rafting, cycling and hill walking done. Weekend 21st/22nd The holiday started with good company at the Clachaig. I went for a paddle around Loch Leven, while Lucy (my other half) went to recce a future marathon she had signed up for. The paddle Read More

New Year On Mull

04/01/2018 0

Come new year, we usually try to escape somewhere for a few days. Previous trips have in included Skye, Oban, Mallaig, Fort William, the Cairngorms, and, 8 years previously, Mull. We decided that a return visit to the latter was in order. We set off from home after a lazy start on the 29th December enjoying a snowy drive via Tyndrum, and onwards to the Corran Ferry. Strangely, the low-level snow was confined to the south side of Rannoch Mor. Read More

Dometic 9-Series Fridge Burning (12V)

03/01/2018 0

Update: I have since found out that Dometic have a recall out on these fridges for this very issue. Contact your dealer! My van has a Dometic RML9335 fridge in it. About 4 weeks ago, the van started smelling when the fridge was running on 12V – an electrical  burning smell. I have since not been able to use the fridge on 12V which is a pain because the freezer keeps defrosting while you are on the move! Between Xmas and Read More


03/01/2018 0

Some folks reckon Christmas is a special time of year, I am usually just glad when its over! Too much over-commercialised nonsense.  That said, I do enjoy the drink and food, and am partial to some cheap gadget purchasing in the inevitable sales that follow! This year we were headed up to Lucy’s parents in Dingwall, travelling day before via Tiso in Perth and Aviemore where we spent the night at Loch Morlich. The following morning the weather was completely Read More

Cairngorms Indecision (Corbetts | knackered fridge | buggered website)

29/11/2017 0

A weekend at home had been the plan, but then I saw the forecast which was pretty decent especially the Cairngorms – and I have Corbetts to bag. Now where I live, you can’t afford to ignore a half-decent forecast as it won’t last very long – and you’ll be kicking yourself for not having made good use of it! Given the significant snowfall during the week, I threw the ski’s in ‘just in case’, defrosted the van and headed Read More

Budget Motorhome Satellite Internet

02/11/2017 6

Welcome to part 2 of my motorhome internet guide. This section covers Motorhome Satellite Internet! Before you proceed, take a look at Part 1 – Internet Access Via MiFi (Mobile) and WiFi Repeater Most folks will get all the Internet access they desire from Part 1 – cheaper, faster, more data and less hassle! Satellite Internet is for those folks who visit locations with no mobile coverage and no opportunity to ‘borrow’ WiFi (eg from a campsite, pub or nearby house). My Read More

The Ultimate Guide To Motorhome Internet Access

29/10/2017 6

Welcome to my guide to Motorhome Internet Access! I use my motor home to head for the mountains to walk/ski/cycle and I am a bit of a geek. Now, this is 2017, and a geek without an internet connection is just a wannabe geek, and the mountains can be a challenging place to obtain that internet connection. This article details the three methods I use for motorhome internet access  presented in order of use: 3G/4G MiFi with external antenna WiFi Read More

Dometic 9 Series RML9335 RML9330 Fridge Catch Replacement

01/07/2017 23

If this is useful, why not buy me a coffee?! Early models of Dometic’s 9-series fridges (Pic above) feature the ‘Click-Lock’ system where you push the door in a little to lock it for travel. Unfortunately, once locked, these fridges are very difficult to open – requiring an unnervingly sharp tug. The constant force eventually causes the door hinges to work loose and cracking of the plastic on the catch. In my case, no amount of fettling with the catch Read More

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